Daftar Isi
Ever imagined talking to a tree? Well, not just any tree – this is a Sky Tree that can make you fly, meet funny creatures, and give you an adventure of a lifetime. Fizz and Poppy, these two quirky friends, are about to take you on a wild ride. And guess what? The story’s in both English and Indonesian, so you get to have fun while learning! Ready for the adventure?
(Pernah kebayang ngobrol sama pohon? Ya, bukan sembarang pohon – ini pohon langit yang bisa bikin kamu terbang, ketemu makhluk lucu, dan kasih kamu petualangan seru banget. Fizz dan Poppy, dua sahabat kocak ini, bakal ngajak kamu seru-seruan. Dan tau gak? Ceritanya ada dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, jadi kamu bisa seru-seruan sambil belajar! Siap untuk petualangan ini?)
Fizz and Poppy’s Adventure
(Petualangan Fizz dan Poppy)
The Quest for the Clouds
(Pencarian Menuju Awan)
The Twinklewood Forest was always alive with energy. Huge trees with shimmering leaves, flowers that bloomed in bursts of bright colors, and air that seemed filled with magic. In the heart of this enchanted forest lived two inseparable friends: Poppy, the rainbow-colored parrot, and Fizz, the small, energetic rabbit. They were not just friends; they were adventurers, always on the lookout for a challenge in the magical woods.
(Hutan Twinklewood selalu hidup dengan energi. Pohon-pohon besar dengan daun-daun yang berkilau, bunga-bunga yang mekar dengan semburan warna cerah, dan udara yang seolah dipenuhi dengan sihir. Di tengah hutan ajaib ini tinggal dua sahabat yang tak terpisahkan: Poppy, burung beo berwarna pelangi, dan Fizz, kelinci kecil yang energik. Mereka bukan hanya teman; mereka adalah petualang, selalu mencari tantangan di hutan yang penuh sihir.)
One bright afternoon, Poppy was perched on her favorite tree branch, basking in the warm sunlight that made her feathers gleam. From up there, she could see the whole forest. But today, her thoughts were elsewhere. She looked up at the sky and saw fluffy clouds hanging like soft cotton candy.
(Pada suatu sore yang cerah, Poppy sedang bertengger di cabang pohon favoritnya, menikmati sinar matahari yang hangat yang membuat bulunya berkilau. Dari atas sana, dia bisa melihat seluruh hutan. Tapi hari ini, pikirannya ada di tempat lain. Dia menatap ke langit dan melihat awan-awan lembut tergantung seperti gula kapas.)
“Hey, Fizz! Those clouds look like giant cotton candy, don’t they?” Poppy called out, her voice high and cheerful.
(“Hei, Fizz! Awan-awan itu tampak seperti gula kapas raksasa, kan?” seru Poppy, suaranya ceria dan tinggi.)
Fizz, who was hopping around below the tree, with his long ears bouncing, looked up and squinted. “Your imagination is something else, Poppy. Those are just clouds,” he said with a teasing grin.
(Fizz, yang sedang melompat-lompat di bawah pohon dengan telinga panjang yang bergoyang, menatap ke atas dan memicingkan mata. “Imaginasi kamu itu memang luar biasa, Poppy. Itu cuma awan biasa,” katanya dengan senyum nakal.)
Poppy bit onto a twig and gracefully flew down, landing next to Fizz. “I know they’re clouds, but don’t you think they look special today? Imagine if we could jump that high! Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
(Poppy menggigit ranting pohon dan terbang turun dengan anggun, mendarat di samping Fizz. “Aku tahu itu cuma awan, tapi bukankah hari ini mereka terlihat spesial? Coba bayangkan kalau kita bisa melompat setinggi itu! Bukankah itu luar biasa?”)
Fizz raised an eyebrow, his long ears twitching with amusement. “Jump that high? Are you serious, Poppy? You know I’m not a bird. I’m just a little rabbit who… well, can’t jump that high.”
(Fizz mengangkat alisnya, telinganya yang panjang bergerak-gerak karena terhibur. “Melompat setinggi itu? Kamu serius, Poppy? Kamu tahu kan aku bukan burung. Aku cuma kelinci kecil yang… yah, nggak bisa melompat setinggi itu.”)
Poppy laughed out loud, folding her wings across her chest. “I know you’re a rabbit, Fizz. But who says rabbits can’t jump high? I believe in you!”
(Poppy tertawa terbahak-bahak, melipat sayapnya di dada. “Aku tahu kamu kelinci, Fizz. Tapi siapa bilang kelinci nggak bisa melompat tinggi? Aku percaya padamu!”)
Fizz looked up at the sky again, a bit doubtful. “Well, if you say so… What if I try to jump as high as those clouds? But if I fall, I’m blaming you.”
(Fizz menatap langit lagi, sedikit ragu. “Hmm, kalau kamu bilang begitu… Gimana kalau aku coba melompat setinggi awan-awan itu? Tapi kalau aku jatuh, aku bakal salahkan kamu.”)
Poppy nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “That’s the spirit! You never know what you can achieve until you try, right?” She quickly fluttered back up to her perch. “Come on, Fizz! I’ll lead the way, and you have to keep up with me. Ready?”
(Poppy mengangguk dengan semangat, matanya berkilau penuh kegembiraan. “Itulah semangat yang aku suka! Kita nggak akan tahu apa yang bisa kita capai sampai kita coba, kan?” Dia dengan cepat terbang kembali ke atas pohon. “Ayo, Fizz! Aku akan memimpin, dan kamu harus mengikuti aku. Siap?”)
Fizz grinned wide and hopped from his spot, racing after his flying friend. “I’m ready, Poppy! But don’t you dare fly too far ahead, I’m not losing this race!”
(Fizz tersenyum lebar dan melompat dari tempatnya, mengejar sahabatnya yang terbang tinggi. “Aku siap, Poppy! Tapi jangan coba terbang terlalu jauh, aku nggak mau kalah!”)
They both raced through the forest, each in their own way. Poppy flew high and gracefully between the towering trees, while Fizz sprinted as fast as he could, his legs carrying him through the underbrush. They played like this for hours, laughing and chasing each other until they reached an open meadow.
(Mereka berdua berlari melintasi hutan dengan cara mereka masing-masing. Poppy terbang tinggi dan anggun di antara pohon-pohon besar, sementara Fizz berlari secepat mungkin, kakinya membawanya melintasi semak-semak. Mereka bermain seperti ini selama berjam-jam, tertawa dan saling mengejar hingga akhirnya mereka sampai di sebuah padang terbuka.)
There, in the middle of the meadow, sat their wise friend, Tiberius the turtle. Tiberius was always calm and collected, sitting under a tree, reading a book, completely unfazed by the ruckus around him.
(Di sana, di tengah padang, duduklah teman mereka yang bijaksana, Tiberius si kura-kura. Tiberius selalu tenang dan terkumpul, duduk di bawah pohon sambil membaca buku, tanpa terganggu sedikit pun oleh kegaduhan di sekitarnya.)
Fizz stopped, panting from the run, and looked at Tiberius with excitement. “Tiberius! Tiberius! We’re trying to jump as high as the clouds! Do you have any ideas on how to do it?”
(Fizz berhenti, terengah-engah dari lari, dan menatap Tiberius dengan antusias. “Tiberius! Tiberius! Kami sedang mencoba melompat setinggi awan! Apa kamu punya ide bagaimana caranya?”)
Tiberius lowered his book slowly and smiled wisely. “Ah, Fizz, Poppy… you two always have such unique ways of facing challenges. But remember, not everything can be achieved in the usual way. Sometimes, you must look deeper to find your path.”
(Tiberius menurunkan bukunya perlahan dan tersenyum bijaksana. “Ah, Fizz, Poppy… kalian berdua selalu punya cara unik untuk menghadapi tantangan. Tapi ingat, tidak semua hal bisa dicapai dengan cara yang biasa. Terkadang, kalian harus melihat lebih dalam untuk menemukan jalan kalian.”)
Poppy and Fizz exchanged glances, curious about Tiberius’s words. “What do you mean, Tiberius?” Poppy asked, a little confused.
(Poppy dan Fizz saling bertukar pandang, penasaran dengan kata-kata Tiberius. “Apa maksudmu, Tiberius?” tanya Poppy, sedikit bingung.)
Tiberius closed his book carefully and smiled gently. “Sometimes, to reach something that seems impossible, you have to see beyond your physical abilities. You have to think differently.”
(Tiberius menutup bukunya dengan hati-hati dan tersenyum lembut. “Kadang-kadang, untuk mencapai sesuatu yang tampaknya mustahil, kalian harus melihat lebih dari kemampuan fisik kalian. Kalian harus berpikir berbeda.”)
The Secret of the Sky Tree
(Rahasia Pohon Langit)
Fizz and Poppy sat beside Tiberius, their eyes wide with curiosity. “So, what do you mean by thinking differently, Tiberius?” Fizz asked, still panting from his run.
(Fizz dan Poppy duduk di samping Tiberius, mata mereka terbuka lebar penuh rasa ingin tahu. “Jadi, apa maksudmu dengan berpikir berbeda, Tiberius?” tanya Fizz, masih terengah-engah dari larinya.)
Tiberius smiled and nodded slowly. “I know you both want to reach the clouds, but to do so, you need to think beyond what you can see. There’s a place in the forest, a very special place, that might help you achieve your dream.”
(Tiberius tersenyum dan mengangguk perlahan. “Aku tahu kalian berdua ingin mencapai awan, tapi untuk melakukannya, kalian harus berpikir lebih dari apa yang bisa kalian lihat. Ada sebuah tempat di hutan, tempat yang sangat istimewa, yang mungkin bisa membantu kalian mewujudkan impian kalian.”)
Poppy tilted her head, intrigued. “What place, Tiberius? You mean a magical place?”
(Poppy memiringkan kepalanya, penasaran. “Tempat apa, Tiberius? Maksudmu tempat yang ajaib?”)
Tiberius nodded again. “Yes, it’s called the Sky Tree. It’s an ancient tree that reaches so high, it touches the clouds. But the tree is hidden, and only those with a pure heart and a strong will can find it.”
(Tiberius mengangguk lagi. “Ya, itu disebut Pohon Langit. Itu adalah pohon kuno yang menjulang begitu tinggi, sampai menyentuh awan. Tapi pohon itu tersembunyi, dan hanya mereka yang memiliki hati yang murni dan tekad yang kuat yang bisa menemukannya.”)
Fizz’s ears perked up. “A tree that touches the clouds? That sounds perfect! Where is it?”
(Telinga Fizz terangkat. “Pohon yang menyentuh awan? Kedengarannya sempurna! Di mana itu?”)
Tiberius smiled mysteriously, his eyes twinkling. “Ah, that’s the tricky part. The Sky Tree is hidden in a part of the forest that no one has ever fully explored. You’ll need to follow the wind, trust in your instincts, and most of all, you must believe in yourselves.”
(Tiberius tersenyum misterius, matanya berkilau. “Ah, itu bagian yang sulit. Pohon Langit tersembunyi di bagian hutan yang belum pernah dijelajahi sepenuhnya oleh siapa pun. Kalian harus mengikuti angin, percaya pada insting kalian, dan yang paling penting, kalian harus percaya pada diri sendiri.”)
Poppy fluffed up her feathers, her excitement growing. “We can do that, right, Fizz? We just need to follow the wind!”
(Poppy menyulutkan bulunya, kegembiraannya semakin bertambah. “Kita bisa melakukannya, kan, Fizz? Kita cuma perlu mengikuti angin!”)
Fizz nodded, although his eyes seemed a bit unsure. “I guess we can try… but I’m still not sure how to follow the wind. Do we have to… chase it?”
(Fizz mengangguk, meskipun matanya tampak agak ragu. “Aku rasa kita bisa coba… tapi aku masih nggak yakin bagaimana caranya mengikuti angin. Apa kita harus… mengejarnya?”)
Tiberius chuckled softly. “Not chase it, little one. Listen to it. The wind will guide you if you’re patient enough and pay close attention. The Sky Tree will reveal itself when you’re ready.”
(Tiberius tertawa pelan. “Bukan mengejarnya, kelinci kecil. Dengarkan anginnya. Angin akan memandumu jika kamu cukup sabar dan benar-benar memperhatikan. Pohon Langit akan menunjukkan dirinya saat kalian siap.”)
Poppy puffed out her chest with determination. “Let’s go then, Fizz! We have a sky to reach!”
(Poppy membusungkan dadanya dengan tekad. “Ayo pergi, Fizz! Kita punya langit yang harus dijangkau!”)
Fizz’s long ears drooped a little, but his spirit was lifted by Poppy’s enthusiasm. “Alright, alright. Let’s follow the wind, wherever it takes us!”
(Telinga panjang Fizz sedikit terkulai, tapi semangatnya terangkat oleh antusiasme Poppy. “Oke, oke. Ayo kita ikuti angin, ke mana pun itu membawa kita!”)
With that, the two friends set off, their hearts full of hope and excitement. As they journeyed deeper into the forest, the trees seemed to whisper secrets, and the wind carried them forward, as if it were inviting them on an adventure.
(Dengan itu, kedua sahabat itu pun memulai perjalanan mereka, hati mereka penuh harapan dan kegembiraan. Saat mereka melangkah lebih dalam ke hutan, pohon-pohon seolah berbisik rahasia, dan angin membawa mereka maju, seolah mengundang mereka dalam sebuah petualangan.)
The deeper they ventured, the more the forest changed. The leaves shimmered with a soft glow, and the sounds of birds and animals were replaced by a strange, magical hum. It felt as though they were entering a place where time stood still.
(Semakin dalam mereka melangkah, semakin hutan itu berubah. Daun-daunnya berkilau dengan cahaya lembut, dan suara burung dan hewan-hewan digantikan oleh desahan ajaib yang aneh. Rasanya seolah-olah mereka memasuki tempat di mana waktu berhenti.)
“Do you feel that?” Poppy asked in a hushed voice, her eyes wide as she looked around.
(“Kamu merasakannya?” tanya Poppy dengan suara pelan, matanya terbuka lebar saat dia melihat sekeliling.)
Fizz nodded, though his ears twitched nervously. “I do. It’s like the air’s alive.”
(Fizz mengangguk, meskipun telinganya bergerak-gerak karena cemas. “Iya. Sepertinya udara ini hidup.”)
Poppy fluttered her wings and looked up at the sky, a determined glint in her eye. “This is it, Fizz. We’re close. I can feel it.”
(Poppy mengepakkan sayapnya dan menatap langit, kilauan tekad di matanya. “Ini dia, Fizz. Kita sudah dekat. Aku bisa merasakannya.”)
And just as she said that, a gust of wind blew through the trees, swirling around them, lifting their spirits higher than ever before.
(Dan tepat saat dia mengatakannya, sehembusan angin menerpa pohon-pohon, berputar-putar di sekitar mereka, mengangkat semangat mereka lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya.)
The Wind’s Whisper
(Bisikan Angin)
The wind grew stronger as Fizz and Poppy moved further into the forest, their steps quickening with excitement. The trees around them seemed to come alive, their leaves rustling as if whispering secrets just out of reach. The path ahead was unclear, but the air felt charged with magic, making it impossible to turn back now.
(Angin semakin kencang saat Fizz dan Poppy melangkah lebih jauh ke dalam hutan, langkah mereka semakin cepat dengan kegembiraan. Pohon-pohon di sekitar mereka seolah hidup, daun-daunnya berdesir seolah berbisik rahasia yang sulit dijangkau. Jalur di depan tidak jelas, tetapi udara terasa dipenuhi dengan sihir, membuat mereka tak mungkin kembali sekarang.)
“Do you think we’re getting closer?” Poppy asked, her voice barely audible over the wind.
(“Kamu pikir kita semakin dekat?” tanya Poppy, suaranya hampir tidak terdengar karena angin.)
Fizz squinted his eyes, trying to focus. “I think so… The air feels different. It’s like the wind’s… guiding us.”
(Fizz menyipitkan matanya, berusaha fokus. “Sepertinya iya… Udara terasa berbeda. Seperti anginnya… memandu kita.”)
Poppy flapped her wings excitedly. “I knew it! We’re following the wind, just like Tiberius said!”
(Poppy mengepakkan sayapnya dengan gembira. “Aku tahu! Kita mengikuti angin, seperti yang Tiberius bilang!”)
They continued walking, the wind now swirling playfully around them, tugging at their fur and feathers. It was as if the forest itself was cheering them on, its energy making them feel lighter, like they could fly at any moment.
(Mereka terus berjalan, angin kini berputar-putar ceria di sekitar mereka, menarik bulu dan bulu mereka. Seolah-olah hutan itu sendiri menyemangati mereka, energinya membuat mereka merasa lebih ringan, seolah bisa terbang kapan saja.)
Suddenly, the wind died down, and the forest became eerily silent. Fizz stopped in his tracks, his ears twitching as he listened carefully. The air was still, almost too still.
(Tiba-tiba, angin berhenti, dan hutan menjadi sangat sepi. Fizz berhenti di tempatnya, telinganya bergerak-gerak saat dia mendengarkan dengan hati-hati. Udara menjadi hening, hampir terlalu hening.)
Poppy noticed the change too. “It’s so quiet… Do you think something’s about to happen?” she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
(Poppy juga menyadari perubahan itu. “Begitu sepi… Apa kamu pikir sesuatu akan terjadi?” tanyanya, suaranya terdengar ragu.)
Before Fizz could answer, a soft glow appeared in the distance, like a beacon of light. It wasn’t the sun—it was something else, something brighter and more inviting. Fizz’s heart raced with anticipation.
(Sebelum Fizz sempat menjawab, sebuah cahaya lembut muncul di kejauhan, seperti mercusuar cahaya. Itu bukan matahari—itu sesuatu yang lain, sesuatu yang lebih terang dan mengundang. Jantung Fizz berdegup kencang dengan penuh antisipasi.)
“Look! Over there!” Fizz exclaimed, pointing his paw toward the light.
(“Lihat! Di sana!” teriak Fizz, menunjuk cakarnya ke arah cahaya.)
Poppy’s eyes widened with wonder. “Is that it? Is that the Sky Tree?”
(Mata Poppy melebar penuh keajaiban. “Apakah itu? Apakah itu Pohon Langit?”)
Fizz nodded slowly. “It has to be… We’ve come this far, we can’t stop now.”
(Fizz mengangguk perlahan. “Pasti itu… Kita sudah sejauh ini, kita tidak bisa berhenti sekarang.”)
With renewed determination, they rushed toward the glowing light. The trees seemed to part for them, as if making way for the brave adventurers. The light grew brighter and brighter, and soon, they found themselves standing in front of an enormous tree, its trunk wide and gnarled, reaching far into the sky. The tree’s branches stretched outward, as if offering a welcoming embrace.
(Dengan tekad yang baru, mereka berlari menuju cahaya yang bersinar. Pohon-pohon seolah memberi jalan kepada mereka, seolah memberi ruang untuk para petualang pemberani itu. Cahaya itu semakin terang, dan segera, mereka menemukan diri mereka berdiri di depan pohon raksasa, batangnya lebar dan bercabang, menjulang tinggi ke langit. Cabang-cabang pohon itu terentang lebar, seolah memberi pelukan yang menyambut.)
“This is it, Fizz,” Poppy whispered, her voice full of awe. “We found it. We really found it.”
(“Ini dia, Fizz,” bisik Poppy, suaranya penuh kekaguman. “Kita menemukannya. Kita benar-benar menemukannya.”)
Fizz stood in front of the tree, staring up at its towering branches. The air around them seemed to hum with a soft, comforting energy, as though the tree itself was alive, aware of their presence. It felt like a dream, too surreal to believe.
(Fizz berdiri di depan pohon, menatap cabang-cabangnya yang menjulang tinggi. Udara di sekitar mereka seolah berdengung dengan energi lembut yang menenangkan, seolah pohon itu sendiri hidup, sadar akan kehadiran mereka. Rasanya seperti mimpi, terlalu surreal untuk dipercaya.)
“Do you think it’ll talk to us?” Poppy asked, her voice barely a whisper.
(“Apa kamu pikir pohon ini akan berbicara dengan kita?” tanya Poppy, suaranya hampir hanya berupa bisikan.)
Fizz shook his head, a little uncertain. “I don’t know… But I think it wants us to be here.”
(Fizz menggelengkan kepala, sedikit tidak yakin. “Aku nggak tahu… Tapi sepertinya pohon ini ingin kita ada di sini.”)
As if on cue, the wind returned, gently blowing through the branches of the tree. A soft, melodic voice seemed to echo in the breeze, like a song that only the heart could understand.
(Seolah mengikuti isyarat, angin kembali datang, bertiup lembut melalui cabang-cabang pohon. Suara lembut yang melodius seolah bergema di angin, seperti lagu yang hanya bisa dipahami oleh hati.)
“Welcome, young travelers,” the voice seemed to say. “You have arrived at the Sky Tree. Your journey is only beginning.”
(“Selamat datang, para pelancong muda,” suara itu seolah berkata. “Kalian telah tiba di Pohon Langit. Perjalanan kalian baru saja dimulai.”)
The Heart of the Sky Tree
(Hati Pohon Langit)
The voice from the tree’s branches echoed through the air, settling like a soft blanket over them. Fizz and Poppy exchanged a glance, both of them wide-eyed with wonder. The words felt ancient, yet full of warmth, like a promise made long ago, waiting to be fulfilled.
(Suara dari cabang-cabang pohon bergema di udara, meresap seperti selimut lembut di sekitar mereka. Fizz dan Poppy saling bertukar pandang, mata mereka terbelalak penuh keajaiban. Kata-kata itu terasa kuno, namun penuh kehangatan, seperti janji yang dibuat lama dahulu, menunggu untuk dipenuhi.)
“Are we… ready?” Poppy whispered, her wings twitching with nervous excitement.
(“Apa kita… siap?”) tanya Poppy, sayapnya bergerak-gerak dengan kegembiraan yang gugup.
Fizz nodded slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. “We have to be. The tree’s calling us. We can’t back out now.”
(Fizz mengangguk perlahan, jantungnya berdegup kencang. “Kita harus siap. Pohon ini memanggil kita. Kita nggak bisa mundur sekarang.”)
The branches of the Sky Tree shivered, as if in response, and the soft light around them grew even brighter, casting long shadows on the forest floor. The wind, which had once felt playful and mischievous, now carried a deeper sense of purpose, as though the forest itself was guiding them.
(Cabang-cabang Pohon Langit bergetar, seolah sebagai jawaban, dan cahaya lembut di sekitar mereka semakin terang, memanjang bayangannya di lantai hutan. Angin, yang dulu terasa ceria dan nakal, kini membawa makna yang lebih dalam, seolah hutan itu sendiri yang membimbing mereka.)
“Step forward, little ones,” the voice of the tree beckoned them. “The heart of the Sky Tree awaits your arrival.”
“Langkahkan kaki kalian ke depan, anak-anak kecil,” suara pohon itu memanggil mereka. “Hati Pohon Langit menunggu kedatangan kalian.”
Without a word, Fizz took the first step, his paws light on the ground. Poppy followed, her wings fluttering in anticipation. As they approached the trunk of the tree, the ground beneath them seemed to hum, as if the earth itself was alive, supporting their every move.
(Tanpa kata, Fizz melangkah pertama, cakarnya ringan di tanah. Poppy mengikuti, sayapnya berkibar penuh antisipasi. Saat mereka mendekati batang pohon, tanah di bawah mereka seolah berdengung, seolah bumi itu sendiri hidup, mendukung setiap gerakan mereka.)
When they reached the trunk, the tree’s bark seemed to part before them, opening like a door, revealing a hidden chamber inside. The air smelled sweet, like fresh flowers, and the soft glow they had seen earlier was now more intense, radiating from the heart of the tree itself.
(Saat mereka sampai di batang pohon, kulit pohon seolah membuka di hadapan mereka, terbuka seperti pintu, memperlihatkan ruang tersembunyi di dalamnya. Udara terasa harum, seperti bunga segar, dan cahaya lembut yang mereka lihat sebelumnya kini semakin terang, memancar dari hati pohon itu sendiri.)
Fizz looked up at Poppy, his eyes shining with excitement. “It’s here. We’re finally here.”
(Fizz menatap Poppy, matanya bersinar penuh kegembiraan. “Ini dia. Kita akhirnya sampai di sini.”)
Poppy’s eyes gleamed. “Let’s see what happens next.”
(Mata Poppy bersinar. “Ayo kita lihat apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya.”)
They stepped into the glowing chamber, and the world around them seemed to dissolve, replaced by a soft, golden light. In the center of the room stood a pulsating crystal, its surface shimmering with every color of the rainbow. It was the Heart of the Sky Tree, and it was more beautiful than either of them could have imagined.
(Mereka melangkah masuk ke dalam ruangan yang bersinar, dan dunia di sekitar mereka seolah menghilang, digantikan oleh cahaya emas lembut. Di tengah ruangan berdiri kristal yang berdenyut, permukaannya berkilau dengan setiap warna pelangi. Itu adalah Hati Pohon Langit, dan itu lebih indah dari yang bisa dibayangkan oleh keduanya.)
“Welcome, brave ones,” the voice echoed again, this time coming from the crystal itself. “You have journeyed far, and your hearts are pure. The time has come for you to unlock the magic within.”
“Selamat datang, kalian yang pemberani,” suara itu bergema lagi, kali ini datang dari kristal itu sendiri. “Kalian telah melakukan perjalanan jauh, dan hati kalian murni. Waktunya telah tiba untuk kalian membuka sihir yang ada di dalamnya.”
Fizz and Poppy stood in awe, their eyes fixed on the crystal. They could feel its power, its warmth, and its promise. It was the key to everything they had dreamed of, the beginning of a new adventure that would change their world forever.
(Fizz dan Poppy berdiri dengan kagum, mata mereka terpaku pada kristal itu. Mereka bisa merasakan kekuatannya, kehangatannya, dan janjinya. Itu adalah kunci untuk segala sesuatu yang telah mereka impikan, awal dari petualangan baru yang akan mengubah dunia mereka selamanya.)
With a deep breath, Fizz stepped forward and touched the crystal. The moment his paw made contact, the crystal flared to life, and a rush of energy surged through him. It was like the sky itself had opened up, and the magic of the world was flowing into him, into Poppy, into everything.
(Dengan napas dalam, Fizz melangkah maju dan menyentuh kristal itu. Begitu cakarnya menyentuhnya, kristal itu menyala hidup, dan gelombang energi mengalir melalui dirinya. Rasanya seperti langit itu sendiri terbuka, dan sihir dunia mengalir ke dalam dirinya, ke dalam Poppy, ke dalam segalanya.)
“Now, your journey truly begins,” the voice whispered, fading as the light grew brighter and brighter. “The magic is yours to wield.”
“Sekarang, perjalanan kalian benar-benar dimulai,” bisik suara itu, memudar saat cahaya semakin terang. “Sihir itu adalah milik kalian untuk digunakan.”
And as the light enveloped them, Fizz and Poppy knew that their adventure was just beginning. Whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, with the power of the Sky Tree and the magic of the world in their hearts.
(Dan saat cahaya itu melingkupi mereka, Fizz dan Poppy tahu bahwa petualangan mereka baru saja dimulai. Apa pun tantangan yang akan mereka hadapi, mereka akan menghadapinya bersama, dengan kekuatan Pohon Langit dan sihir dunia di dalam hati mereka.)
Well, that’s the end of Fizz and Poppy’s first adventure! But hey, don’t worry, there are more wild journeys waiting for them – and for you! Stay tuned for what happens next, because the Sky Tree has many more secrets to reveal. See you on the next adventure!
(Nah, itu dia petualangan pertama Fizz dan Poppy! Tapi, tenang aja, masih banyak perjalanan seru menanti mereka – dan lo juga! Tungguin apa yang bakal terjadi selanjutnya, karena Pohon Langit masih punya banyak rahasia yang harus dibuka. Sampai jumpa di petualangan berikutnya!)